Using Extended events to find Long-running queries and

Sometimes you are encountered with mysteries on your database server. You have a beautiful alerting system that sends you emails about the Azure node when there are critical events so yo are well informed when some anomaly is going on on your Azure VM-machine.

 I received recently an email with a critical event. It was an alert about swapping the whole Sqlserver memory on the Azure node. I checked the Sqlserver Errorlogs, Windows eventviewer, sqlserver job history, query stats, windows scheduled task and did not find any cause.

I do not like when I can not find an answer so I decided to avoid this for a next time by creating extending events in SQL Server 2019.

An extended event is the equivalent what we used to do in the past with SQL Server 2019 Profiler.

There is one thing that an extended event does better than Profiler is that it runs always in the background and the performance load on the SQL Server 2019 is minimal.

This is an explanation how to set this up in SQL Server 2019 Management Studio. First lets check out where you can find Extended events in Management Studio.

  • Step1:Click on Sessions with the right mouse button and choose “New Session Wizard”

Step2:Click on Next in the right down side of the page.

Step3:Fill in a Session name, FYI: LongRunningQueries.

Step4:Mark the box “Start the event session at server startup.

Step5:Mark: “Do not use a template”

Step6:Click on Next in the right down side of the page.

Step7: Select from the Event Library ( left windows of the screen) the events: 

  1. sql_statement_completed 
  2. sql_batch_completed 
  3. rpc_completed 

Move each one from the left windows to the “selected events” window using the right arrow.

In the next screen you can select the fields that should be captured.


  • Client hostname
  • Client app name
  • Database name
  • Sql text
  • User name

Step9:In the next screen just click finish.
We did not set thresholds or filters on fields of event yet because

we can only choose from the complete lists of fields AFTER we have chosen FINISHED,  

Step10:Select you LongRunningQueries Event again in management studio by using your right mouse button.

Step 11:Create a Filter(predicate) for every selected event.

choose Field:”Duration”, Operator:”>” and Value:”60 000 000″

The unit for duration is Microseconds. 60,000,000 = 1 Minute. 

 You can find all the way down on this page a list with all the units for different events.

Step 11: Finally set the place where the target data will be stored by using you right mouse button on the event and selecting in the right side of the screen Data Storage. Most people pick  the ringbuffer option.

Step 12: Save your new created event

Step 13: Start your Event by selecting the EVEN in Management Studio, then use your right mouse button and click on start.

Step14: Watch the recorded event data. select the Event in Management Studio, Right mouse button and click on View Target data.

There is also the option avaliable to watch the recording of data in rela time by choosing “Watch Life Date”.

That’s all to it.

If you where  able to save the event and start it then you can skip the ERROR paragraph.


When you try to save the even and you get an error:

Session Validation for the alter operation failed , The value specified for the event attribute or predicate source duration is invalid.

then you are using an outdated version of management studio. I encountered this problem on Azure and let  management Studio , Script the Even, instead of saving it. After having it scripted, then start a new query window and remove the quotes around the value of duration and execute the script.

The scriptwill look like this:



CREATE EVENT SESSION [LongRunningQueries] ON SERVER ADD EVENT sqlos.wait_info(WHERE([duration] > (60000))), ADD EVENT sqlserver.lock_deadlock, ADD EVENT sqlserver.rpc_completed(SET collect_statement = (1) ACTION(sqlserver.client_app_name, sqlserver.client_hostname, sqlserver.database_name, sqlserver.sql_text, sqlserver.username) WHERE([duration] > (60000000))), ADD EVENT sqlserver.sql_batch_completed(SET collect_batch_text = (1) ACTION(sqlserver.client_app_name, sqlserver.client_hostname, sqlserver.database_name, sqlserver.sql_text, sqlserver.username) WHERE([duration] > (60000000))), ADD EVENT sqlserver.sql_statement_completed(ACTION(sqlserver.client_app_name, sqlserver.client_hostname, sqlserver.database_name, sqlserver.sql_text, sqlserver.username) WHERE([duration] > (60000000))) WITH(MAX_MEMORY = 4096 KB, EVENT_RETENTION_MODE = ALLOW_SINGLE_EVENT_LOSS, MAX_DISPATCH_LATENCY = 30 SECONDS, MAX_EVENT_SIZE = 0 KB, MEMORY_PARTITION_MODE = NONE, TRACK_CAUSALITY = OFF, STARTUP_STATE = ON);


ALTER EVENT SESSION [LongRunningQueries] ON SERVER ADD TARGET package0.ring_buffer;





package_name event_name event_field DurationUnit field_type column_type
sqlos wait_info duration milliseconds uint64 data
sqlos wait_completed duration milliseconds uint64 data
sqlos wait_info_external duration milliseconds uint64 data
sqlserver sql_statement_completed duration microseconds int64 data
sqlserver sp_statement_completed duration microseconds int64 data
sqlserver rpc_completed duration microseconds uint64 data
sqlserver module_end duration microseconds uint64 data
sqlserver sql_batch_completed duration microseconds uint64 data
sqlserver logout duration microseconds uint64 data
sqlserver attention duration microseconds uint64 data
sqlserver existing_connection duration microseconds uint64 data
sqlserver sql_statement_post_compile duration milliseconds uint64 data
sqlserver lock_acquired duration microseconds uint64 data
sqlserver lock_deadlock duration microseconds uint64 data
sqlserver query_post_compilation_showplan duration microseconds uint64 data
sqlserver query_post_execution_showplan duration microseconds uint64 data
sqlserver query_plan_profile duration microseconds uint64 data
sqlserver query_post_execution_plan_profile duration microseconds uint64 data
sqlserver progress_report_online_index_operation duration microseconds uint64 data
sqlserver columnstore_tuple_mover_end_compress duration milliseconds uint64 data
sqlserver columnstore_tuple_mover_compression_stats duration milliseconds uint64 data
sqlserver sql_transaction duration microseconds uint64 data
sqlserver execution_warning duration microseconds uint64 data
sqlserver blocked_process_report duration microseconds uint64 data
sqlserver blocked_process_report_filtered duration microseconds uint64 data
XtpEngine xtp_ckptctrl_storage_array_grow duration microseconds uint64 data